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28 Feb 2006  : :  Project launch.
1 April 2009  : :  Application Deadline.
1 July 2009  : :  Arriving to Buryatia.
15 August 2009  : :  Summer school ending.
Hubsha in Buryat language means 'taiga'.
To get in there you have to ride a horse and cross a river and climb up and go down from the top of two hills... The whole way takes 4-7 hours depends on how many stops on your way you make.
There are few simple wooden small summer houses located in hubsha near the Yengorboy village. Local inhabitants live there during the summer with their cow and horse herd.
After the teaching week in Yengorboy the Volunteers will spend 2 days in hubsha. In the middle of nowhere.
There is no electricity, no radio, no TV, no gas, no Internet, nothing is in there! Just simple wooden house. If you look to the right, theres no any human there! To the left its the same! You definitely have to experience that to understand me when I say that this is the best place in the world! Totally natural, totally real.
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