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28 Feb 2006  : :  Project launch.
1 April 2009  : :  Application Deadline.
1 July 2009  : :  Arriving to Buryatia.
15 August 2009  : :  Summer school ending.
By start of your teaching course in each village you will also make a short self-presentation telling kids who you are, where from did you arrive and tell briefly about your life there in your home country, or about your university life, etc. This will show your students the diversity of life.
Though try to be humble cause life there is really simple. People dont have many things which will seem to you as something ordinary and regular.
Your presentation could consist imageries of your student or work life, family and home, life in your country tell the story about your life in general how do you do and how education lets you to travel around the world, to see lot of different stuff, to get a good job your presentation should consist the most interesting moments of your life. It could be your voyage photos, etc.
The presentation is better to be prepared as an oral story and some pictures you better to bring with you. Cause we might face technical problems with having or better to say not having the projector or laptop or computer.
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